ESA title
Tissue Chips and Organoids in Space Research - Roundtable at EURoOCS 2024 - SciSpacE

Tissue Chips and Organoids in Space Research – Roundtable at EURoOCS 2024

Join us at the table!

On July 4th 2024, we will join the ‘’Exploring New Horizons: Tissue Chips and Organoids in Space Research’’ roundtable that will be held during the European Organ on a Chip Society (EUROoCS) annual meeting in Milan.

The event is hosted by EUROoCS and the discussion will be supported by ESA, NASA and the scientific community. The discussion should provide you with a comprehensive overview of the significance of integrating organ-on-chip/organoids research into the space context.

Our talks will focus on the following key areas:

  • Utilisation of Tissue Chips/Organoids in Space Research
  • End-Point Analyses and Readouts
  • Criticalities and Boundaries for Space Experiments
  • Funding mechanisms

The following speakers will participate:

  • Dr. Christiane Hahn – European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands
  • Prof. dr. Anne Beghin – National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Prof. dr. Carlo Iorio – Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Lynn Clary – NASA, USA
  • Chair: Prof. dr. Marco Rasponi, Politecnico de Milano, Italy

For more information, please visit the EUROoCS 2024 conference schedule here.