

The Characteristic Response of the Human Leukocyte Transcriptome to 60 Days of Bed Rest and to Reambulation
Authors: Daniel Stratis, Guy Trudel, Lynda Rocheleau, Martin Pelchat, Odette Laneuville | 2022 |

International Space Station (ISS)

Active radiation measurements over one solar cycle with two DOSTEL instruments in the Columbus laboratory of the International Space Station
Authors: Daniel Matthiä, Sönke Burmeister, Bartos Przybyla, Thomas Berger | 2023 |
Space Omics and Tissue Response in Astronaut Skeletal Muscle after Short and Long Duration Missions
Authors: Dieter Blottner, Manuela Moriggi, Gabor Trautmann, Maria Hastermann, Daniele Capitanio, Enrica Torretta, Katharina Block, Joern Rittweger, Ulrich Limper, Cecilia Gelfi, Michele Salanova | 2023 |

Parabolic Flights

Lunar and mars gravity induce similar changes in spinal motor control as microgravity
Authors: Jaap Swanenburg, Christopher A. Easthope, Anita Meinke, Anke Langenfeld, David A. Green, Petra Schweinhardt | 2023 |

Topical Teams

Migration of surface-associated microbial communities in spaceflight habitats
Authors: Daniele Marra, Thodoris Karapantsios, Sergio Caserta, Eleonora Secchi, Malgorzata Holynska, Simon Labarthe, Bastien Polizzi, Sandra Ortega, Margaritis Kostoglou, Christophe Lasseur, Ioannis Karapanagiotis, Sigolene Lecuyer, Arnaud Bridier, Marie-Françoise Noirot-Gros, Romain Briandet | 2023 |