ESA title
Life Sciences - SciSpacE

Life Sciences

Space Life Sciences cover both space health sciences and space biology. There are four main obstacles to life in space: variable gravity, space radiation, isolation, and confinement.

Mission: Advance human exploration into deep space, harvesting unique knowledge that can improve life and health in space and on Earth.

Vision: By 2035, Europeans will have ensured sustainable and safe human deep space exploration through the implementation of innovative life science technologies, optimised countermeasures, and translational health capabilities.

Objectives: The Human and Robotic Exploration Programme Space Life Sciences Activities seek to:

  1. Better understand the fundamental mechanisms and responses to the different deep space stressors on biological and physiological processes
  2. Optimise and personalise countermeasures to mitigate the deep space risks
  3. Push the frontiers of habitability to advance sustainable human exploration in deep space
  4. Foster and inspire translation of space-acquired scientific knowledge to address terrestrial challenges

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