Geophysics of the Moon
Geophysical investigations of the surfaces of the planets and moons addresses important outstanding scientific and exploration questions. By learning more about the formation and evolution of any one Solar System planetary body, we learn more about how the Solar System formed as a whole and then evolved, and hence indirectly learn about the development history of all planets in the Solar system, including Earth. In addition to the science topics, geophysical investigations can identify and quantify resources (such as water and ice) that are useful for in situ resource utilization by astronauts, localize active gas-release vents (e.g., by radon monitoring), quantify the properties of near surface regolith materials for habitat construction, determine the extent of subsurface lava tubes that could become habitat locations, and evaluate potential tectonic, impact, and space weather hazards that could affect crewed missions on the surface.
This Topical Team provides a forum for the lunar community and geophysics experts across Europe to identify and constrain the major science questions and objectives for lunar geophysical exploration, which can help to inform ESA’s science preparations and advancements of concept studies.