Lunar Geological Explorer Science: Fundamental and Exploration Science
Over the last two decades, remote sensing data (and more recent surface missions) have revealed a far more complex evolution and a richer record of lunar geological processes than had been known at the start of the 2000s. There are numerous outstanding questions relating to understanding lunar mantle evolution, how the lunar primary crust was formed and early planetary formation processes (e.g., differentiation), all of which can be addressed through geological exploration of the Moon. In preparing for future lunar exploration, geological exploration can also benefit from high mobility, include dating and sampling diverse rocks and geological units, constraining the lateral and stratigraphic relationship among different units, attaining accurate geological mapping, and assessing the properties and potential exploitability for in situ resource utilisation (ISRU).
Future lunar missions will provide unique opportunities to solve lunar mysteries by innovative concepts and deploying advanced payload combinations at new landing locations, which can be informed by inputs from this diverse knowledgeable European team representing a forum for the lunar science and exploration community.