Melting of Dissimilar and Multiphase Metallic Materials in Microgravity (MELTING)
Compared to solidification, melting of metallic materials received very little interest over the last decades. However, the development of new processes and materials (notably relating to additive manufacturing and joining of dissimilar materials) has led to a resurgent interest in this scientifically challenging topic.
Against this background, two key scientific questions have been raised that are addressed in the frame of this collaboration.
- Stability of the solid/liquid interface and morphological transition during melting
- Stability of the solid/liquid interface during solutal melting (dissolution)
- Morphology and kinetics of multi-phase solid/liquid interfaces
- Conditions at solid/liquid interfaces
- Off-equilibrium conditions during dissolution
- Phase selection during melting of multi-phase alloys
This Topical Team gathers scientists from across Europe to set-up the basis of a project-based collaboration.